Posted by Jmoranabel

Old school merch

Would love to see some of the other members older merch! Lets see those tattered, faded beauties!!!

Laura Oliveira

i DIYed my distillers shirts in high school (one of them was pretty good, if i may say so) but in the last couplee of years i was able to get 2 OG shirts through etsy/ebay - the barking dog and smiley ones. precious items <3

Jason Thomas

Wrote Distillers in permanent make let on my favorite shirts and jackets and possibly face (at least once) but don’t have any legit merch. (Searching Google now for the coolest shit I never had before)

Joey Pacheco Jr

I had a Sing Sing Death House shirt before I bought on Melrose and it was always funny to me because the tag on the shirt was Mountain Dew haha

Jason Thomas

This is amazing!

Jason Thomas

Need pics

Alfonso Encarnacion

Friend got me a Sing Sing shirt years back from somewhere and gave it cuz he knew I was a fan, same with the button up shirt. How do you upload pics on here?

Justin Moran-Abel

Great question... maybe that's not a feature yer....

Jason Thomas

We do need a pics feature

Justin Moran-Abel

The bootleg mountain dew shirt!! Amazing!

Alfonso Encarnacion

My profile pic is of said shirt, so there's a work around haha.

Kimberley Booth

Mine was all DIY with tippex/white out :D

Justin Moran-Abel

Love it!

Jason Thomas

Yes and yes!